Monday, March 25, 2024

Best Acupressure Points For Eye Care

Acupressure is a traditional Chinese therapy that involves applying pressure to specific points on the body to relieve tension, improve circulation, and promote overall health and well-being. Here are some acupressure points that may help relieve eye strain and promote eye health:

  1. Jingming (GB-1):

  2. Located in the inner corner of the eye, near the bridge of the nose. Apply gentle pressure to this point using your index fingers for about 1 minute to help relieve eye fatigue and strain.

  3. Zanzhu (BL-2):

  4. Located at the inner end of the eyebrow, directly above the inner corner of the eye. Use your thumbs to apply steady pressure to this point for 1-2 minutes to help relieve eye tension and headaches.

  5. Yuyao (EX-HN4):

  6. Located in the depression at the midpoint of the eyebrow. Apply firm pressure to this point with your index fingers for 1-2 minutes to help alleviate eye fatigue and improve concentration. 

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  1. Sizhukong (SJ-23):

  2. Located in the depression at the outside end of the eyebrow. Use your index fingers to apply gentle pressure to this point for 1-2 minutes to help relieve eye strain, tension, and headaches.

  3. Tongziliao (GB-1):

  4. Located in the hollow on the outside corner of the eye socket, between the eye and the temple. Apply gentle pressure to this point using your index fingers for about 1 minute to help reduce eye fatigue and discomfort.

  5. Taiyang (EX-HN5):

  6. Located at the temple area, in the depression about one finger-width behind the outer corner of the eye. Use your index and middle fingers to apply firm pressure to this point for 1-2 minutes to help relieve eye strain and headaches.

To apply acupressure to these points, use gentle but firm pressure and massage in a circular or up-and-down motion. Focus on deep breathing and relaxation while applying pressure to enhance the therapeutic effects. If you experience any discomfort or pain, discontinue the pressure and consult with a qualified acupuncturist or healthcare professional for further guidance.

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